Bairro Alto (0.6km)

A neighborhood laid out in 1513, is a place that truly changes from night to day. In daylight this bohemian district is a sleepy place, hungover from the previous night, with not much going on except for the shops down Rua do Norte. When the sun sets a new life begins, with restaurants opening their doors, and crowds showing up to spend their bar-hopping night.
The bars are small, forcing everyone to spill out onto the streets and creating a street party atmosphere. Rua da Atalaia, Rua do Diário de Noticias and Rua da Barroca become filled with caipirinha-sipping crowds, most under 40, but mixing different urban tribes, straight and gay.
It's a place inhabited by old ladies and young artsy hipsters, giving it a vibe that is simultaneously old-fashioned and avant-garde, a shabby-chic neighborhood that really needs no name. It's simply the "bairro," the neighborhood where everything happens - at night.

The Praca Luis de Camoes is a good base to start your exploration through the area. A nice little plaza with the Manteigaria Fábrica de Pastéis de Nata, the BEST place in town to get your Pasteis de Nata. And just 1 Euro each. Get some coffee or Ginjinha with.
From there you just can walk in any direction. Heading east will bring you to Chiado / Baixa. The town is really easy to navigate and everything is more or less in walking distance, even though it might look further on the map.  

© 2018 Gloria Apartment. 1250 Lisbon
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